It takes an amazing combination of intricate elements to make turning on the light switch as commonplace as tying your shoes.
Power Up! is the Science Center’s exhibit on everything electric. From generation to delivery, grids to outlets, and jolts to volts, you’ll be shocked at how power weaves its way into everything we do in our everyday lives.
Exhibit Highlights:
- Work as a team to turn a generator and power up different household items
- You’re the electrical engineer who has to distribute power across a city to keep everything lit
- Harness the force of water to make hydro-electricity
Are you up for the challenge?
Visitors will be challenged to generate electricity, build circuits, wire the grid from power plant to home outlet, explore cutting-edge fuels and try to maintain the electrical grid for an entire metro area. See how we’re making changes to meet our ever-increasing thirst for electrical energy.
Play Along with the Power Up Game App
As you explore the exhibit, play along and draw cards about electricity, the power grid, and energy efficiency. Rack up points throughout the exhibit and use them to Power Up an energy-efficient house.
Download the free Power Up app for your device:
Click here to download from iTunes
Click here to download from the Google Play Store
Juega con nosotros con la aplicación Juego de Energía
A lo largo de la exhibición, juega y saca cartas sobre la electricidad, las redes de energía y la eficiencia energética. Acumula puntos y utilízalos para iluminar y hacer funcionar una casa energéticamente eficiente.
Descarga la aplicación Power Up para tu dispositivo gratis:
Haz clic aquí para descargarla desde iTunes
Haz clic aquí para descargarla desde Google Play Store
Power Up is presented by: